Monday, August 23, 2010

Top Move

Is this 'Top move' something lingering in the dark recesses of the Toppy mind. Something instinctive. Or is it a learned behaviour?

I had this move used on me once:
     Someone, for reasons unknown, felt that I deserved to have my poor innocent bottom smacked. Disagreeing wholeheartedly, I was rather uncooperative and refused to simply lay myself over her lap. So, as she tried to pull me down, I tried just as hard to pull back, keeping my bottom out of harms way. She eventually won out and managed to pull me towards her and over her lap but I didn't land in a prime spanking position. I was too far towards her right, with my stomach and upper body across her thighs while I continued to try to pull away.

Here's where the not so cool move comes in ...
     More determine than ever to have at me; she gripped my hips and quickly bounced her right leg up and towards the left somehow which caused my entire body to bounce up off her thighs and forward. Landing, much to my dismay, with my poor bottom high up over her right thigh in prime smacking position.
     I must admit that at the time I really didn't appreciate this move. Now, however, I think it's quite brilliant! Well, okay, maybe brilliant is a bit much. But it was delivered so effortlessly and with such precision that I can't help but admire it.

     So again I ask; Instinct or learned behaviour?


  1. That IS a brilliant move! *admiring* It may have been instinctive for that top. But for others it may be learned behavior. *taking judicious notes* :D

    One complaint, however. You didn't give any details as to what followed! I'm curious, as I'm sure many of your other readers will be, as to the top's technique in other areas. Do share, Mackenzie. :)

  2. Aw COME ON Mackenzie, you're giving them LESSONS! Are you coming out as a top? You might as well have drawn a picture complete with little arrows indicating the ninja moves! No. Read most brats' fiction and you'll see they say things like, "After a brief struggle she managed to drag me across her knee" not "Although I outweighed her by 15 pounds she knew spanking judo and HERE'S HOW YOU DO IT IN ONE EASY LESSON!" I am saddened and disappointed and other things -ed.

    Okay, not really, I'm enjoying your blog a lot. Just had to delurk from sheer horror. :-)

    - Fizzy

  3. Alyx - I was going to share but Fizzy here made a really good point about the danger in that. We all have our weaknesses. That one thing that ensures our cooperation, our compliance.
    A tone of voice, a specific threat, counting, a look...
    It would really do me no good to reveal these things :)

    Fizzy - *dies laughing* omg you're hilarious. You're right though. I'm sorry.
    It never occurred to me that I might be giving the tops pointers >:(
    Perhaps I should delete this or ... maybe there's a way to password protect certain posts...and only give the password to the brats >:) Yes, that's brilliant. I'll look into that.

    I'm so happy you de-lurked! and that you're enjoying my stumbling attempt at blog life :)

  4. i am definitely not sharing your blog with my gf. :-| i wholeheartedly agree with fizzy about not divulging pointers to those who can do harm to our 'innocent' bottoms. geez...what were you thinking?!

    you're doing a fantastic job, mackenzie. no stumbling here. :)

  5. I'm with Alyx, Fizzy, and pippin. I want more details..I just don't want the tops to have access to them. :) They're right, too, Mackenzie. Your blog kicks ass. I don't want to say "I told you so," but...;) Celine

  6. Aww, thanks ladies :) *blush*

    Hmmm, I don't think there are any more 'spanking judo' moves in the rest of that story ... unless you consider efficient pinning of ones wrist to be under that heading?
    Perhaps I will share that story one day or ... oooh I could use it in a story :D

  7. You're awesome, yo. I have mixed feelings about spanking judo that includes holding my wrists or holding my ankles above my head..depends if I want the spanking or not. Can be so hot in the right circumstance..and so terribly disempowering when I don't want the spanking I've earned. Celine

  8. Hello and welcome to blogging. I saw your link on Bonnies in with the new blog and decided to check it out. I hate when my Top does those kinds of moves. I often wonder where they learn it but they always manage to get us don't they LOL

    I'd also like to invite you to join the spanking bloggers network If you would like go to Spanking Bloggers Network Forum. and read the getting started and I hope to see you there.

    I will also be adding your link to my own blogroll on my blog good to have you in the blog world.

  9. Celine - When you insist on putting your hand back in a vain attempt to protect your poor bottom, it is inevitable that your wrist will eventually be pinned :(
    Ankles over your head?! Um, doesn't that put your meow-meow in a very vulnerable position? I would be afraid it would get hit :S

    Cookie - Thanks. I'll wander over and take a look.

  10. i should be studying right now, but i can't help reading your blog--you're so funny! 'meow-meow'?! *LOL*

    V did the hold the ankle over my head a few times (don't know where she got that idea!), and she's very careful about where her hand lands, i guess. the extra vulnerability actually never occurred to me 'cause i was too busy trying to avoid her hand hitting not only my bottom but the back of my thighs! that position hurts a heck a lot more than otk, btw. O_O

  11. Have to admit I'm not a fan of what they call the "diaper position" myself. Although it does add some variety and it is rather...scenic. *bg*

  12. Pippin - A fellow procrastinator, Yes! Wait ... don't you get in trouble for not studying? Never mind. You probably LIKE getting in trouble *beg* hehehe.
    Ouchie :( I guess the backs of your thighs would be a prime target for spanks in that position. Did you learn your lesson? >:)

    Alyx - Scenic? *snort, rolls eyes*

  13. *dies laughing* Yes, it does put the "meow-meow" at risk, but as Alyx pointed out, it also lets the spanker see how much they're turning you on. Pippin nailed it makes your thighs a LOT more vulnerable. "meow-meow" *shakes head* Can we not say vagina? Vulva? Yoni? Snatch? Cooter? Lady bits? *sigh* "Meow-meow..." You may never live that one down, Miss Mackenzie. *grin*

  14. yeah, i procrastinate like there's no tomorrow. at work though, i'm the opposite. my projects are completed way ahead of schedule. ... V gets exasperated by my lack of discipline at home, but she hasn't threatened me yet with a spanking. no, i don't like getting into trouble, but it seems to follow me around. *bg* again no; it takes me forever to learn my lesson. i'm afraid i suffer from memory loss. V says it's more selective memory. she doesn't know what she's talking about. *g*

    celine, i kinda like 'meow-meow'. it makes me giggle whenever i say it. :) what's worse than getting one's thighs spanked is getting one's hands spanked in the attempt to 'block' the blows. did that once and had painful bruises on my knuckles for days! try explaining those bruises to your coworkers -- not very fun. :|

  15. Celine - I like meow-meow :P
    Don't like vagina. It's so nasal and it's impossible to say it without making a weird scrunchy face as though it's something distasteful.
    Yoni is also ok and I like lady bits *giggle* but not snatch. And I haaaaaate the word pussy!

    Pippin - V has not 'addressed' this lack of discipline? Interesting. Perhaps someone should suggest it to her >:)
    Selective memory, lol. I suffer from selective hearing. :)

  16. Oh dear. You hate the synonym for kitty??? Do you know how impossible it is to write a sex scene and NOT use that word? *grumble* Those other words are great (I like yoni too, and "little pink bits"), but not in a story.

    *scowl* Well, it's too late to re-write now. I'm sorry, Mackenzie, you're just going to have to skim over it. (You should be good at that. *g*) :p~ ~ ~ ~

  17. hehehe :P~~~
    I excel at skimming

    her heat, centre, treasure, opening, ...

    hoo-hoo? lol. I guess that one isn't too sexy *snort*
